Kgalagadi region
Kgalagadiregion in Botswana
The Kgalagadi region is largely congruent with the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park in southwest Botswana. Also included are the village of Hukuntsi and the surrounding mini villages. In this region, everything revolves around the just mentioned Kalahari Wildlife Park with the stunning scenery of the characteristic orange-red dunes and the great wildlife.
Geography and climate in the Kgalagadi region
Climate corresponds to the prevailing climate in the entire central area of the Kalahari basin. While in the summer temperatures of 35 ° C (and sometimes even up to 45°C) are not rare, the Kalahari winters are characterized by large temperature differences. Not infrequently, night time temperatures drop below the freezing point while the temperatures are around 25 ° C during the day.
The Kgalagadi region has too much vegetation and too high an annual precipitation of about 250 mm to be a real desert. The region gets the desert character by the low occurrence of surface water.
Flora and fauna of the Kgalagadi region
The nutrient-rich soil and sufficient rainfall of the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park ensure that there is a fairly large variety of plants here. The park is crossed by two large riverbeds, the Nossob and Auob rivers. Both are dry rivers, but they have underground water resources and provide a certain quality of life for grass and camel thorn trees.
The Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park is considered a great park for observing the large African cats of prey. The famous black-mane lions of the Kalahari are spotted very often ansd so are cheetahs and leopards and sometimes even the rare African Wildcats. Other predators such as Spotted Hyena, Brown Hyena and Jackal can also be observed.

Places of interest - Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park
The Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park (KTF) is one of the largest nature conservation areas in the world and is nearly as big as Switzerland, covering an area of 39.000 km² with three quarters of the park situated in Botswana and one quarter in South Africa.
Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park
Accommodation in the Kgalagadi